The decision to choose is yours.


When a question comes to mind it might be the beginning of an experience or an awareness to examine a concern, a behavior, or something that just doesn’t seem right. Have you wondered why you are repeating a behavior that leads to the same outcome? Have you wondered why there is a worry about a situation and you don’t know what to do? Have you wondered why a similar feeling is occurring more often than not?

When we are not sure what to do we turn to our friends, our family or people that we trust. Family and friends may want to help and be supportive. However, sometimes they don’t know what to say.

Choosing a therapist to discuss concerns and transitions in life may be the beginning of a possible change.

Sherry Ceridan Psya.D. MA RN

Certified Psychoanalyst


Telephone: 617-216-1030


Address: 1330 Beacon Street, Suite 315, Brookline MA 02446